Monday, October 31, 2011

The other half of my BOGO haul at Victoria Gardens.

As I promised, here is the other half of my "REFLECTION" shoe haul. I think these are a great pair for the holidays and maybe bring in a good new year. These are also very affordable and very comfortable. Will post pics when I find an outfit for them.

"Reflection" in Victoria Garedens $25

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Comfy fall/winter shoes. And my 1st post :)

I found a great affordable shoe store named "REFLECTION" in Victoria Gardens. I have been obsessed with the bigger heel look in the magazines and runways. These are a good find for fall/winter looks and the best part is how comfortable they are. Being on my feet all day at the salon, I think this was a good pick. Let me know what you think?

Reflections in Victoria Gardens sale rack BOGO $7.50
Stay tune for the other pair of the BOGO.....